Saturday, May 19, 2007

Two Weeks Worth

Even though I haven't written anything in the last two weeks, doesn't mean that nothing has happened to me. As a matter of fact, several things have come my way. To start off with a story of what could be called incredible coincidence by many, but since I'm a believer in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, I'm going to have to go with Just another example of God watching over us.

Last Monday(or sometime around then) after getting dropped off at my car I went to the nearest Walmart to pick up a couple of things that I needed. After finding them in the store (plus some extras) I started walking towards the cash registers. Not wanting to wait, I skipped the regular ones and went over to the self checkout registers. Who should I see but Aaron standing in line checking out items. Since he looked like he was mostly finished, I decided to say hi and stand next in line behind him. After finishing scanning his items he whipped out a credit (or maybe debit, I'm not actually sure) card and swiped it to pay. After signing the card reader, sirens and horns and light instantly went off scaring the bejabbers out of me! Well okay maybe not. But the light above that checkout did start blinking and someone came over to investigate what the problem was. Turns out he was using his mom's card to pay and when he signed for it, the reader saw that his signature was different and raised an alarm. After explaining the problem the employee said that she would talk to her supervisor and see if she could let it go. She came back and informed him that they couldn't accept him using that card. All this time I'm grinning my head off behind him, trying not to laugh out loud. I stopped laughing though when he mentioned that he didn't really have any other way of paying. I let him know that if necessary I would pay for it then and he could pay me back when ever. The employee, still being nearby, heard this and after verifying that I knew Aaron and that I could vouch he wasn't a smooth talking identity thief (though what kind of ID thief would steal a name of the opposite gender? I mean come on, a guy named Allison? ) she relented and let it go through. After saying so long and farewell, we parted ways and went on with our lives. It did however get me thinking and reminded me that the God we serve is interested and involved, rather than being distant and detached. Thank God for His Holy Spirit which He has given to us.

Another odd thing that has happened to me occurred on Wednesday. After work I had a couple of errands to run including getting my hair cut. I had gotten several comments that my hair was looking more grey than blue so I decided to was time to start eliminating some of it. I decided to try a new place, since where I usually go had gone up in price. It started out fine and normally but then near the end something very unusual happened. The hairdresser put her comb over my eyebrows and then trimmed off whatever hair poked through the teeth. I was shocked! Never in my whole life had anyone ever trimmed my eyebrows, I had never even considered it as something that was done! And then as I started to think about the idea grew a little bit more attractive in a very weird sort of way. She (the hairdresser) didn't say anything, acted normal, and kept on going like she hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. I'll admit that I've trimmed my eyelashes, and in between my eyebrows but never the eyebrows themselves. It got me thinking, however. Has anyone else ever had this happen to them? Or even done it to themselves? And do you think this is weird, or pretty normal? Let me know what you think.

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At 7:15 PM, May 19, 2007, Blogger Booker said...

I'm going with weird ;-)

At 9:22 PM, May 19, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaron told me about that encounter. He was quite relieved you were there!

I've heard of people trimming their eyebrows before, but that does seem a tiny bit weird.

At 9:48 PM, May 19, 2007, Blogger Aaron said...

I was SOOOO glad you were there, and thank you SOOOOO much for your offer. I thought about blogging about it, but I didn't want every other Chestnut Hiller who met you at Walmart to expect you to offer your funds...

I, too, felt that our meeting was more than mere fate. And, just for the record, I did have my mom's permission to use her card!

I've only been to a barber once, but even so I feel safe in saying that eyebrow-trimming, at least without a request, seems a bit unusual...

At 10:04 AM, May 21, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I have heard of trimming eyebrows before, but I never really thought of guys doing it. Definitely weird.

Good thing you were there! That sounds like it was quite the awkward situation. You were definitely guided there at the right time. :) God is good.

At 11:41 AM, May 21, 2007, Blogger Susan Elizabeth said...

You have trimmed your eye LASHES?!?!?! Don't you know that long eyelashes are most attractive to the opposite sex? It's the first thing I noticed about TacCom when we met....He's not going to be happy now that I've exposed his best feature on a public blog!!! Oh well....just so you know!

At 2:23 PM, May 21, 2007, Blogger Susan Elizabeth said...

Well, maybe not his very best feature...but definitely one of his best!

At 5:15 PM, May 21, 2007, Blogger TripleNine said...

Let me make clear for the record, that I realize many women trim and shape their eyebrows, as likely do gays and metrosexuals. I however am none of those, so I think it is weird.

And yes Zan, since I wear glasses having my eyelashes brush against the lenses is obnoxious, so I have in the past trimmed them. :)

At 5:35 PM, May 21, 2007, Blogger Booker said...

so why did you delete your comment? When I read it in gmail, I just laughed! And I didn't get a new bag. I just replaced the one I ripped with a blue one with a silver Superman logo on it. The one I mentioned was the original one :-)

At 5:42 PM, May 21, 2007, Blogger Booker said...

ok, that is weird. It just showed up. Blogger must be acting up...

At 10:41 PM, May 22, 2007, Blogger Aaron said...

You have been tagged! See my blog for the details.

At 9:14 AM, May 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny, the only time I've ever gotten busted for using someone else's credit card, the card belonged to Aaron's father.

At 2:33 PM, June 02, 2007, Blogger kadida said...

Normal well groomed men have their "antenas" trimmed. You could do mankind a huge service by passing the word.


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