Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Answered Prayers?

It is nice to have knowledge of a situation before you are in the middle of that situation, instead of finding it out as events unfold around you. For example, today I was supposed to have all four of my wisdom teeth removed. So I left work early, with plans of taking tomorrow off to recover, came home to clean up and left again for the dentist's office. When I got there I signed in and waited. A few minutes later I was called up to the desk to read and sign a release form. Now I did have a bit of warning before-hand of what to expect. I knew not to eat for eight hours before hand, and also that they required someone to take me home. They wouldn't release me without someone there to make sure I didn't try to drive myself. This I knew and had prepared for.

What I didn't know was that I wasn't supposed to have any water either. Or that the 'responsible adult' had to be in the office before they would take me in and start operating. Not the kind of thing you want to learn when you are waiting in the office. When the receptionist told the doctor how much I had had to drink (less than 20 oz.) the doctor immediately said, 'That's not going to work, we are going to have to reschedule for another time.' However, the learning didn't stop there. The surgeon still wanted to check me out and come to find out, my lower teeth (the completely impacted ones) are sitting on top of my nerve which made him very nervous about taking them out. So nervous in fact that he said it would be better to just leave them in.

So now I have another appointment in June to pull out just the uppers. I'm ticked that I have to arrange rides all over again and upset my schedule, but on the other hand, I just saved close to a grand. So I guess that makes up for it. And yes, this means I'll be working tomorrow, so I probably won't get to all of your blogs. Just the important ones :)



At 7:19 PM, April 24, 2007, Blogger Booker said...

Just the important ones eh? Better check out my stunning one where I and Stephanie Somethingorother are practically twins :-)

and nice job on saving a grand. Now you can buy me lots of N64 games ;-)

At 5:52 AM, April 25, 2007, Blogger Susan Elizabeth said...

Yes, now we are all wondering if we are on "the list" of important blogs that Wes reads! hmmmm...

At 7:41 AM, April 26, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sure by ' just the important ones' he means 'everyone's'... ;)

Sorry about your rescheduling...that is not fun. And annoying. And frustrating.

At 7:08 PM, April 26, 2007, Blogger ~jenna said...

ok, i think i should be offended, no comments on my blog, sniff, sniff

At 8:09 AM, April 30, 2007, Blogger ~jenna said...

wes, thanks so much for your comments on my dads blog, so helpful to getting him started on somthing so great and helpful to so many, think how God could use him throuugh somthing like a book!!


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