Friday, February 16, 2007

Things That Start With 'S'.

Seeing as how I'm going away for the first part of this weekend, I thought I would write up a quick post so you junkies can get your blogging fix. :) Actually a lot happened and I want to get it written down before more happens. Oddly enough, I can make almost all of start with the same letter. Try and see if you can tell what it is :)

Skating. Last Saturday I was invited over to a fellow church goers house (unfortunately I don't have the time or patience to insert the links to show you who) where there was a large skating party happening. I got there about 30 seconds before the rest of the party-ers and then spent the next two and a half hours having a great time remembering how to balance myself on two tiny pieces of metal. There was also hockey, races, lots of fun, and food in there too. I along with a couple of other hard core skaters stayed out well after sunset.

Unfortunately this led very directly to my next subject. Sickness. Yes that's right I woke up the next morning with all the symptoms of a cold. However true to my young, rash, impulsive nature I completely ignored it as long as I could, which ended up being Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. By the end of Tuesday I was feeling quite blah.

However I was saved. No, not by the bell but by the Snow. Wednesday the Northeast had a large snow storm pass over and between that and my cold I decided to call in and not go to work. (I found out the next day that only two people out of the ten at our job came in). I made full use of this snow day sleeping, reading, cooking, watching tv, and generally taking it very easy. I also drank over two hundred ounces of water, thanks in no small part to this big monster.

52 ounces of insulated goodness! :)

As I mentioned I cooked while relaxing. It's kind of interesting how pressure and desire can totally change how cooking is either stressful or relaxing. This time I made Scrumptious treats. The pastor's sister at my church is hosting a game night this weekend and in her e-vite she put in a very large hint that I should bring good eats. Since I didn't have anything else to do I pulled out the cookbook and ended up making Peanut-butter Chocolate Fudge and White Chocolate Cheesecake Bites. Both of which I've never made but turned out great if I may say so myself. I also made a Key-Lime Chiffon Pie for some friends of mine that just had a baby yesterday. ( No, I didn't know it would be for them when I made it, I'm not a pyschic) I'm not really sure why it is a chiffon pie but that is what the recipie called it, so who am I to argue. Not to mention it sounds way more impressive that way. :)

Finally am I just Screwed up or does anyone else check the mailing list on emails to see where they are placed? I just got an email this afternoon from a woman in my church and my name was on the very top. Needless to say it made me feel quite proud. I wonder if it is something like having a high place on speed dial. A denotation of importance :)

And that is about it for this week. Have a great Sabbath all.



At 10:56 AM, February 17, 2007, Blogger Susan Elizabeth said...

Great Post, Wes! I love the "s" topics...except for the fact that one of them was "Sickness"...Hope you are seems that many people have been fighting something this week.
I made candy this week too! Peanut Brittle! YUM! Your Key Lime Chiffon Pie sounded delish! Very ambitious of you, I must say.

At 1:46 PM, February 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skating; sickness; snow; scrumptious treats; screwed up! Yay for the letter S!!!!!!!!!

Also, where did you get that cool Fizzonator mug with pipes on it? Coolness.

I'm glad you are feeling better.

At 9:14 AM, February 19, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a couple more " S,s " on the subject; sicko for not treating that cold more promptly, instead letting it go for several days before hamnmering it into desolation, also succulent desserts the " YUM " factor was extremely high onthat posting, also the factthat you have a " 52 " oz soapsuds container was more than coolness, it was radical awesome, that is a THREE QUART plus drinking jug, just think what the moonshiners could do with that BABY. THAT MAKES THE " little brown jug " therory colapse in dust and ashes. good last several postings good job in keeeping our fix up to date, and freash off the griddle,*HIC *, * suppressed [ BURP ] **..

At 6:15 PM, February 22, 2007, Blogger ~jenna said...

wes, hope you are feeling better, by now...can't wait for more thoughts:)


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