Monday, March 12, 2007

Just Grin and Bear It

I was going to post last week but it ended up being a really busy and tiring, so I'm doing it now before this week turns into the same thing. Several things have been going on, but the biggest one involves the title.

It had been a long time since the last time I saw the dentist and with my eating and brushing habits I was rather worried about the condition of my teeth. Also my lower jaw hadn't been feeling 100% so I wondered if something was up with my wisdom teeth. After looking around for a cheap dentist I called one up and got an appointment fairly quickly. The best part was, I didn't even have to miss any work. I went in, filled out some paperwork, waited and then was called into the back.

Thankfully I'm not a dentaphobe (do I really need to define?) so that made things very easy, especially where they were sticking all sorts of different things into my mouth and then taking them out and putting new different things in. The best part was the full set of x-rays. They stuck my head in an x-ray machine and then it twirled around shooting me full of radiation while making very electronic boops and beeps.

(Edit: I just spent half an hour reading stories that dentaphobes have written about their fears, and all I can say is, 'Wow.' I'm even more thankful now that I don't have dentaphobia.)

It was all very easy, painless and simple. After the x-rays, I saw one of the dentists and she gave me an examination while waiting for the developments. Low and behold I only needed one filling! I was expecting at least three, so this was very welcome news. Then came the bad news. My bottom wisdom teeth were/are impacted and my top ones, while not fully impacted weren't/aren't straight and are not growing out so at the end of April I will be having all four extracted. Since I don't have dental insurance this will be quite expensive. More than either one of my cars has cost. Still I would rather be poorer than have my teeth rot, or break, or split, or any of the other nasty things I've just been reading about.

That was Tuesday. Thursday I went in for the filling. Having half my mouth and tongue numb was really disconcerting but also rather fun. The best part was the numbness didn't wear off for several hours so I had something to occupy me during class. If only there was a way I could get my hands on some novacaine so I could do it when ever I wanted, heheheh...

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At 9:07 AM, March 13, 2007, Blogger ~jenna said...

i love this post, i too have not been to the dentist in too many years to mention. glad you only had one filling, already taken care of...those wisdom teeth, so sorry (says one who knows)!

At 6:15 PM, March 14, 2007, Blogger Linds said...

Poor Wes!! I'm so sorry about the wise teeth thing! (PS - there are some cough drops that have benzocaine in them, which is novocaine's little brother... not quite as good, but still gets your tongue all numb! I got them one time and thought I was having a stroke before I read the package!! :)

At 6:11 PM, March 15, 2007, Blogger Susan Elizabeth said...

Hey Wes...I was 27 when I had my badly (grossness ahead...)rotted wisdom teeth extracted. I was asleep for the whole thing and it wasn't soo bad...Let us know the exact date you will be going and we will surely pray for an easy time for you!

At 8:51 PM, March 15, 2007, Blogger Booker said...

Well, grazers' been down, so I didn't read this til now :-)

good luck. and thanks ahead of time for the chili!


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