Friday, November 11, 2005


A couple of quickies and then on to the real thing.
Tonight, less than two hours ago I beat Halo 2! It was a great game and the multiplayer is definitely the best part about it. Though I'm usually excited and pumped when I beat a game, I was just a little disappointed by this one. It came to soon, ended with a lousy battle, and didn't resolve clearly (which could mean another one in the making-Woohoo!). However if anyone ever wanted to come over and play me in it, I would be more than happy to oblige.

The other is just a quote I overheard at work. Two guys were walking by and one of them was saying to the other, 'So, are you going to kill the fatted prodigal son?' Whaaatt?? I sure wish I could have heard the before and after to that.

Lastly, another quiz. I saw this the other day on and it piqued my interest. Roughly 80% of my school work right now is math so I thought I would check out just what level I was learning at. No pen, paper, or calculator; just straight up gray matter. I have to say I was rather relieved at the end because a few of them I wasn't that sure about. I guess I am learning something in school after all.

You Passed 8th Grade Math

Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!


At 11:42 PM, November 11, 2005, Blogger Laughter said...

I refuse to take it...

At 9:34 AM, November 12, 2005, Blogger Booker said...

Dude, crazy skillz.

and it seems to me that someone must have heard of the story but never quite got the point or something :), lol...

At 4:16 PM, November 13, 2005, Blogger Claire said...

Random comment I overheard recently: I was in a clothing store - not an upscale one but not a second hand one. And this customer - a guy- was commenting - loudly- to his companion on the nature of the clothing merchandise at hand. He said something to this effect,
" You know those fashion shows in places like New York where they have these hideous outfits? It's like those clothes mated and threw up on their offspring."


Voila! A new brand of clothing is born!

At 10:11 PM, November 13, 2005, Blogger Laughter said...

Well THAT creates a deeelightful image in one's mind.

At 8:52 AM, November 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nothing like thinking you know something and then find out you know nothing, evidentily those guys have been reading the book of the *fatted rebel *. but on to better things math test results, 80%passand i am an old greyed geezer have not been in school for over38++++ years, and some of those math symbals ididnot know what they might mean, so if you are a yuongster and will not take it, you have major psycho probs to deal with. congrats to you triplenine on the agony and the glory..........

At 4:54 PM, November 14, 2005, Blogger TripleNine said...

Nice job quad! Though me wonders if you might not have a slight advantage over other 'old grey geezers' considering thy place of employment.

Claire, you've got me wondering what a good name would be for a clothing line that looked like that. What fun!

At 8:20 AM, November 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

me thinkest thoest dost mistakest me for other than what i amest.tho knowest not, but i understand, scince that perfect math score has no doubt gone to your headin waves of self adulation.but knowing you are a young type i excuse you this time.

At 8:41 PM, November 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody SPANK me! I'm a very bad boy for not posting more! Forgive me everyone, I am so sorry for being a lazy bum, sniffle, sniffle...

!!!!Ka-Sizzle!!!! strikes again

At 11:46 PM, November 21, 2005, Blogger Laughter said...

Ryu!! I can see your face pasted all over that, good thing you weren't trying to hide it cause it would have been a pathetic attempt. :-Þ


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