Which is better?
Well if I want to keep my average of a post a week I'de better hurry up and get this written. I have several idea's for different posts, but all of them will take a little to long to write right now, so they will have to wait for the future. However I know I have a loyal reader base out there in web-world and I don't want to disappoint you all, so here is a quick fix for your blog cravings.
Several things have come up that may lead to changes in the future for me. I've noticed in the past that often the anticipation of an event is just as good as the actual event itself, sometimes even better. This time I really doubt that the possibilities can come close to the real thing, but it got me wondering. Why do we build up the future in our imaginations? Why do we puff up what is coming so much that we set ourselves up for disappointment? I have even gotten sick with anticipation, and I know that this isn't just me, because my friend's brother has come down with the same illness.
I actually started this post out with the title question in mind but after many tangential thoughts and writing out what I have, I have another question to ask. Why would you ever choose imagination over reality? Imagination might be quicker, easier, and possibly even better at first, but it always leads to a dead end with no future. So as an encouragement both for myself and you, however good imagination may seem, be patient and wait for the real thing because there is absolutely no comparison.
Okay I know it's trash but it is so encouraging, uplifting, and ego-stroking I think I might keep it around awhile.
trip, what's up? What's so exciting to guys that makes them sick? I won't say what I'm wondering, time will tell either way.
Imagination sometimes helps us get to reality, because "vision" keeps you going for the goal. The imagined taste of victory makes you hungry and desirous of the "real" taste of victory. Basically to paraphrase a Biblical truth, Without vision the people parish... without imaginations life is blah...
Okay enough blah blahing...please let us know eventually what's going on:)
Poor Joe, he is never going to live that down is he?
Anyway, how to reply. Not sure. You know all the arguments, pro and con, already.
So keep on and all that :)
And please, for all our sakes, DON'T spill your guts, lol. Cause I'm not gonna mop up your gallons of tears and pat your shoulder, just so you know, hahahahahaaa...
The only guts that are going to be spilled already have been so breathe easy.
As for Joe living it down, probably not. :)
Good post! Keep at it!!!
Good grief.
And as for imaginations over real life? Give me a healthy dose of imagination to help real life to go down easier.
I'm not sure of the theologial correctness of this statement...
Seems good to me, however, so it must right! ;-P
Ha! Nothing beats the REAL taste and smell of a well done Bolt of Porkchop[especially the lightning cooked variety]
Later better than never,so here is a response. First, two things that can make guys sick are birthdays and free weekends (both of these I've seen first hand).
Second, you're right vision is absolutely necessary but what I'm talking about is slightly different. Vision is striving for a goal. Imagination is sitting on your rump daydreaming about what the goal is like without doing anything about getting it.
A good example of what the way I'm thinking is movies. Why get so excited over a film because of the way you imagine it to be, so much so that you are disappointed when you see the real thing because it didn't measure up to your mind's picture. Anyway thanks for your comment feel free to leave more anytime. and that goes for the rest of you too!
I get kinda excited right before watching a movie sometimes...Fun stuff excites me too...:)
Which movie...
I like imagining too...It's crazy how fast I can have me in some crazy situation(all in my head) either dead or really sick and how people be... like the attention I'd get and how people would react:) It's crazy!
we need imaginationto help overcome the residue of pork chops flying thro the atmosphere.other wise we might become little pigglets ready for market before our time
REST IN PEACE, st. busta chops, trple nine rules , st. busta droools.
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