Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Skydiving ! (Sort of)

Into the Tunnel of wind dove the five brave ones.
Instructor to the right of them,
Instructor to the left of them,
Instructor dancing a ballet,
Keeping us afloat.

Whirring fans, howling winds,
Plastic walls enclosing,
With helmets sitting on their heads
Into the Tunnel of Wind dove the five brave ones.

I'd try and write more but I've found when I try to force inspiration, it comes across as exactly that, forced. Unfortunately I've already used up this day so any further description will have to once more wait for another time.


At 10:11 PM, April 01, 2008, Blogger KJ said...

Well this surely is a creative way to share a little of what your experience was like.... I'm impressed and amused :)

At 2:39 AM, December 25, 2009, Blogger Corey Todd said...

Inspiration is the problem, it is not you

At 11:33 PM, January 07, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


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