Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Real Story

All right, I admit it, I'm not a secret genius geneticist. I just happened to take a picture of myself the day after I had my top wisdom teeth taken out. That's all. Yes, last Tuesday I at last (after two previous attempts) had the operation. And it went swimmingly. What is it about going to the dentist that makes other people pull out all of their horrors stories, whether it happened to them or someone they knew. Is all of America dentaphobic? Well maybe I can do my bit to counteract all the bad stories and try to reassure people in the future. So that is it, no blood gushing- teeth wrenching- writhing in the chair story for all you fans out there. The swelling has even gone pretty much away, so I should look normal the next time any of you see me. Hey-- no smart comments!



At 11:45 PM, September 23, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

E=MC...sorry, no smart comments...

It is nice to hear a 'good dentist story' for once, though. Bravo!

At 9:14 AM, October 03, 2007, Blogger ~jenna said...

glad to hear you are doing well!

At 10:28 AM, October 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net( no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If he will be possible add the CresceNet( in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

At 10:06 PM, November 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey I got my two wisdom teeth out, on the right side about 2 plus months ago. (ok here's a bit o' a horror story:) For me it was really rough. But I think one of the things that made me struggle so much was the meds. I was just not my self and they knocked me out...even like days later...I was very out of it. The pain wasn't horrible...I hated the surgery....but it's over and someday I proably should get the other side out...oh yeah and I have a cavity I need work on.

I have a friend that had her wisdom teeth out the same week I did and she wasn't effected as much as I totally depends on the person and how they react to the meds/surgery/pain etc....



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