Saturday, July 14, 2007

Big News!

No, don't get excited, it isn't that news. :) However it is exciting, potentially life changing, and brings a good bit of responsibility with it. I finally finished with my research and took the plunge and bought a new gun! I had been planning on just putting a link to an album with a bunch of pictures but my filter is acting up so here are just a few to give you a good idea of what it looks like. I haven't shot this one yet, but I have shot its bigger brother the XD .45 cal. I think it will probably be a few days before I actually do shoot it as I want to get to know it better. How to disassemble and clean it, the feel of the trigger pull and such.

So without further ado,

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At 3:32 PM, July 14, 2007, Blogger Booker said...

Dude!!! That is PHRACKING AWESOME!!!!
I can't think of anything else to say. Whooo!!!!!!

At 5:09 PM, July 14, 2007, Blogger Claire said...

I'm glad you have successfully picked up the great tradition of saying something tantalizing and then following it up with, " Oh, no- I don't mean THAT..."

At 11:09 AM, July 15, 2007, Blogger Laughter said...

Nice gun. Congratulations. :)

At 1:49 PM, July 15, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Pretty sweet...

At 7:04 AM, July 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

coolness personified, sweeet shells of 9mm, and to think that glock was left in the dust for springfield. it looks like you got quite the haul in for equipm.t set up. may the bad boys of manchester wake up and pay attention now. trust we hear more from packing dude bomb funkand his new side kicks. CONGRATS on your latest acquisition deal should help in the pr dept. take care and look after them cuties, they is hot dishes, YAHOOOO !!!!!!

At 9:07 PM, July 18, 2007, Blogger Gimli said...

You never actually told us what it was!

I'm guessing that it's a Springfield I right?

At 9:09 PM, July 18, 2007, Blogger Gimli said...

Okay...I woke up and looked at the bigger picture.

I forgot to mention that I am now afraid of you.

At 7:42 PM, July 19, 2007, Blogger TacCom said...

Aim small, miss small.

Sight alignment and trigger control.

Oh, and by the way, the hole where the bullet comes out, is pointed AWAY from you.

Words of wisdom to live by.

At 8:52 PM, July 19, 2007, Blogger TripleNine said...

Dj, laughter, and Melody, yes it is a great gun, thanks.

Claire, I never realized how much fun it actually is :)

Frontier, personally I'de rather just have the bad boys of Manch leave me alone.

Gimli, yes it is a Springfield. XD-9 9mm Service Pistol. If you want to know more, the 'gun' link takes to the site describing it.

Taccom, thanks for the advice :) Though I'm not sure what you mean by aim small, miss small. Oh, and you can let Zan know that the blue hair is all gone now. :)

At 7:29 PM, July 20, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...


At 8:15 PM, July 20, 2007, Blogger Susan Elizabeth said... more blue hair?

p.s. the "aim small, miss small" comment is from "The Patriot". Heck of a movie.

At 8:54 AM, July 24, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, now that is cool indeed.


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