Sunday, December 18, 2005

Call Me Crazy

Since people have been asking, here is a quick moving-in update. The majority of my stuff is unpacked, though there are still a good bit of kitchen items that need a home. Unfortunately I haven't gotten rid of the empty boxes yet so my room still looks cluttered and unorganized. As for sharing, meals or chores, not much of that has really happened. I offered him some fresh bread last time I made it, and that is about all, which is fine. We are both responsible adults who have had practice living on our own and there isn't any reason that should change simply because we are living under the same roof. The only conflict thus far in our schedules is that sometimes 'he who is named Chad' is in the shower before I leave so I haven't been able to brush my teeth in the morning but it is enough of a non issue that I haven't even brought it up to him. And we seem to be getting along, no fist fights or shouting matches yet. Of course I have only been here a week :-)

As many of you know I have a bit of a wild and crazy streak that I keep hidden deep down in the darkest caverns of my soul. Every now and then it escapes and causes me either much fun or embarresment. Things like wearing pajamas in broad daylight, permanently dying my hair its opposite color, or wearing flaming pants to my Bible School Graduation. Now most of the time I can control this streak and my life remains fairly average and boring. Today however it reared it's ugly head and made life just a little more interesting. The first instance was when I was driving to church. I had just turned onto lake road (the only snow covered road within miles) when without any warning I put in the clutch, stomped on the brake at the same time pulling on the emergency brake. Needless to say we (Ryusoma was in the car with me) went sliding down the road going into a slow spin. It was thrilling trying to correct the spin without over compensating and start spinning in the other direction. After a few heart stopping moments we straightened out and continued on our way to church.

Then later that afternoon while I was getting my hair cut the streak struck again. I have had my hair back for the last several months and it has simply getting longer and longer. Today the streak made me take a path that up till now I had only contemplated as theoretical. Instead of getting a whole hair cut, the words came out of my mouth asking for only the sides and back to be cut, leaving the top long enough to be pulled back into a warrior knot. For the uninformed a warrior knot looks a lot like a pony tail but instead of being down by the neck it is at the top of the head. Much like the picture below,

Mine however isn't quite so short on the sides, or so thick a tail. I could barely believe what I was doing! A guy with a pony tail, how heretical! Once I got home however I saw what a good job my stylist had done and have decided to keep the look at least into the new year. As for whether it will go past the new year or not, only time will tell ;-)


At 10:14 PM, December 18, 2005, Blogger TripleNine said...

Okay, I'll admit to a good bit of exaggeration back there. I've actually been thinking about the warrior knot for quite a while.

However this is the first my mom is hearing about this, so I'm trying to break it as gently as possible to her. I just hope she doesn't throw me out of the house :)

At 9:51 AM, December 19, 2005, Blogger Laughter said...


At 4:04 PM, December 19, 2005, Blogger Claire said...

Thanks for the update! Shocking new hair style! Would you consider posting an actual picture of YOU, sporting this new '-do'?

At 4:50 PM, December 19, 2005, Blogger TripleNine said...

I'll consider it, though once all the single ladies see it, I won't be able to beat them back; so we'll see :-) hahahaha

Laughter, what's so funny?

At 8:23 PM, December 19, 2005, Blogger Booker said...

Nice animated pix to illustrate the point :)

And I must say, u certainly do have a killer stylist. Good thing she could fit you into her busy schedule.

About the whole toothbrush thing, use the kitchen sink.

And I was wondering why Laughter was laughing too. Maybe you have a comedic side I am just missing...

At 8:02 AM, December 20, 2005, Blogger Laughter said...

Naaa, it's just the picture of WC with his new 'do that started growing in my mind. Don't worry, I wasn't laughing at you; just because of you. Don't take it personally... lol.

Another reason for the laughter: I've got to keep up with my name, eh?

At 7:59 PM, December 20, 2005, Blogger Isaac Demme said...

I saw it.
Yup, it's something to see.

At 3:57 PM, December 21, 2005, Blogger TripleNine said...

I don't take myself personally, so there is no fear of me take you that way :)

Isaac, it has been trimmed and neatened up since you saw it, so maybe it will look better. Though you're being very vague so I can't tell what you think/thought of it.

At 9:42 PM, December 21, 2005, Blogger TripleNine said...

Laughter you're not to far off with your first comment. Tonight when my cousin-in-law Jill saw my the hair she burst out laughing. Once she caught her breath she did say it looked very nice. Maybe I will just have to post a pic and let you all see it.

At 10:06 PM, December 21, 2005, Blogger Laughter said...

Yes, you should, then we can all laugh. :)

At 2:45 PM, December 22, 2005, Blogger Marie said...

please post a pic. I wanna see:)

At 9:59 AM, December 24, 2005, Blogger maldrich said...

Well, the "killer stylist" likes it!


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