Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Here they are


At 6:32 PM, July 26, 2005, Blogger Kate said...

yay Wes! Pictures are good! This I was looking forward to seeing. He certainly looks older then whenever it was we were last up there, but still! He is so young!! Actually, maybe I am just getting old. He must be twenty-two and I think that's about how old my dad was (no, i think it was 23).

At 7:57 PM, July 26, 2005, Blogger Booker said...

He is 21, barely...

At 8:05 PM, July 27, 2005, Blogger Mo said...

Graham is 20. Amanda is 21, I think.

Am I the only one that the picture isn't working right for? The bottom half is just grey.

At 9:09 PM, July 28, 2005, Blogger Booker said...

nah, it is the pix itself. Wes said it didn't upload correctly or something, as you can see[or not, depending on your viewpoint]...

At 6:41 AM, July 29, 2005, Blogger Kate said...

yeah, I have problems too, but you can still see their faces, which is the most important part.

Wow! That was a non-girly comment! I suppose I should be all annoyed because I can't see her dress or something. :-)


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