Thursday, November 08, 2007

A Deep Question

I can't believe that people still check here to see if I've come back. Kudo's to you.

Earlier tonight some guys and I were sitting around talking about deep things and the subject came up about what we deserve. We went over the customary stuff about naturally deserving hell, but as Christians deserving to go to Heaven because of what Christ did on our behalf. Also included in that, that we deserve to be loved by God because of the covering of Christ's blood over us. This led us to onward to discuss whether or not we deserve to be loved by other people. We ended up spending most of our time together talking about aspects of this question. So out of a continued curiousity let me pass the question on to you.

Do we deserve to be wanted and/or needed by other people?

If so why. If not, why not.

Looking forward to your answers,

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