Feeling Groovy
I've been thinking lately that keyboards need to start coming with a music note symbol. That way people can easily signify when they are either singing or making music instead of just talking. Like the above title. When I wrote it, I was thinking about the Simon and Garfunkel song, but when you read it you would have had no idea how I was hoping it would come across. Oh well. Maybe in my next life, I'll invent that keyboard and become fabulously wealthy.
Actually right now, I'm feeling extrememly apathetic and I probably should just call it a day and go to bed. And I would, but I just don't care enough to go through the trouble right now. I'll likely stay up a while longer and watch tv, maybe part of 24 or something.
If any of you are looking for a good movie to watch, stay far away from 'Johnny Mnemonic'. It stars keanu reeves and it is terrible! The acting is on par with Star Wars: Episode Two and the sets are painfully fake.
Maybe within a day or two I will be able to do more than just ramble, but this is all for tonight. Cyanora.
Yes, I've wished for a music symbol, too. :O)
♪la la la♪
That would be what the character map tool was invented for... there is a music symbol in most fonts.
also great if you want to play cards... ♠♥♦♣
or just want to use fractions ⅜
ok... i'll stop showing off now...
Johny Mneumonic warning taken. I've recently thot about renting it since I'm going thru the Matrix's right now. Well, I'm glad I heard this :)
oh, forget about friday nite and movies. I didn't pick anything up yesterday cause I was doing my finances, and got stuck for 45min. So I didn't feel like doing anything after that :)
O.k. how much younger are you then Ryu Soma? Because you guys write very differently.
Hmm, last time I checked, probably somewhere in the 1-2 millenia range. After this long, we kind of lose count...
Well gryphons do age much faster than knights, so at this point I think I'm about twenty years older, even though I started out four years younger. :)
He's just jealous; because not only am I better looking, but I'm older now too.
I deign not to reply to such base lies, cowardly accusations and niderly outrages...
Johnny Mnemonics? Like as in memorizing tools and techiques? I only know this because it's a term on my psychology test coming this monday, now I won't forget it.
yeah. basic premise is that in the future big ol evil companies will stuff "special" peoples heads full of data, then use them as couriers. Next level of security and all that. At least, that is my understanding of it...
Choke, choke, gasp...Posts all stale...choke, gasp, choke...Must refresh with update...
Yeah, yeah, I know. And apologize.
This week I've been working overtime, so my spare time has been cut by quite a bit. However, tomorrow being the end of the week, I will have time to put something up, so look for it then. :)
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